22 Products

Harpsichords & Clavichords

Harpsichords (single manual harpsichord and double manual harpsichord), Spinets, Virginals and Clavichords are collectively known as Early Keyboard Instruments, new and second hand models in a wide range of specifications, sizes and finishes, by John Morley and other makers, part exchange considered or restoration and parts service available. Early Keyboard Instruments also include square pianos (otherwise known as table piano or box piano)
Showing products 1 to 22 of 22
John Morley 4 Octave Clavichord Painted c1986

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord painted finish in soft green with red inside lid on turned and fluted legs. 4 octaves C to D. No.3107 c1986 secondhand. 

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord Mahogany c1961

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord in Mahogany on trestle stand (P). 4 octaves C to D. No.347 c1961 second-hand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord Mahogany c1965

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord in Mahogany on trestle stand (P). 4 octaves C to D. No.1086 c1965 second-hand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.   

John Morley 5 Octave Clavichord Mahogany c1968

John Morley Clavichord in Mahogany on square tapered legs. Compass 5 octaves G-G. No.1537 c1968. 

John Morley 4 Octave Clavichord Walnut c1974

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord in Walnut on turned and fluted legs. 4 octaves C to D. No.2486 c1974 secondhand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.  

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord Teak No.1820 c1969

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord in Teak on turned and fluted legs (P). 4 octaves C to D. No.1820 c1969 second-hand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.   

John Morley 5 Octave Clavichord Mahogany c1964

John Morley 5 octave clavichord in mahogany on trestle stand. Compass G-G No.723 c1964. Tuned to A=415Hz Baroque. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.

John Morley 5 Octave Clavichord Walnut c1979

John Morley Clavichord in Walnut on turned and fluted legs.   Compass 5 octaves F-G No.2970 c1979       

John Morley 4 Octave Clavichord Mahogany c1964

John Morley 4 octave Clavichord in Mahogany on turned and fluted legs. 4 octaves C to D. No.894 c1964 second-hand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.  

John Morley 5 Octave Clavichord Walnut c1969

John Morley Clavichord in Walnut on turned and fluted legs. Compass 5 octaves G-G. No.1776 c1969. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.    

John Morley Virginal 4 Octave Walnut c1960

John Morley Pentagonal Virginal in Walnut on trestle stand, wooden jacks with decorative strap hinges. 4 octave C to D. No.189 c1960 secondhand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.  

John Morley 5 Octave Clavichord Mahogany c1972

John Morley 5 octave Clavichord in mahogany on turned and fluted legs. 5 octaves F to G. No.2279 c1972 second-hand. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.   

John Morley 5 Octave Spinet Walnut c1959

John Morley 5 octave spinet in walnut finish on trestle stand wooden jacks and delrin plectra with knee buff made in c1959 secondhand. No.169. Compass : 5 octave G-G. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply  

John Morley 5 Octave Spinet Mahogany c1960

John Morley 5 octave spinet in mahogany finish with decorative hinges on trestle stand with wooden jacks and delrin plectra. No.294 c1960 secondhand. Compass : 5 octave G-G. Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.  

John Morley 5 octave spinet Mahogany c1968 No.1785

John Morley 5 octave G-G spinet in mahogany finish on square tapered legs with nylon jacks and delrin plectra. Made in c1968 secondhand (P).   No.1785 c1968 secondhand.   Made in London, England.   Available on home rental scheme - ask for full details T's & C's Apply.  

John Morley Virginal 4 Octave Walnut c2009

John Morley Virginal in walnut with decorative soundboard rose, Italian style with polygonal case inner/outer case of American Walnut, set on three turned and fluted legs, latin lettered inside lid "Saltatur me canente" "There is dancing when I sing". 4 octave C to D. No.3147 c2009.

Garcka Antique Square Piano Mahogany Inlaid Case

George Garcka square piano in mahgoany with inlaid case, satinwood inlaid nameboard with inlaid "Adam" swags, highly original "French" stand c1783-1792 interesting example of pedal registration with buff, damper lift and swell. F to F 5 octave. Tuned to A=415Hz Baroque - not suitable for modern pitch.  

John Morley Single Manual Harpsichord Rosewood No.867 c1964

John Morley single manual harpsichord in rosewood No.867 c1964 secondhand.  Compass G-G with 1 x 8’, 1 x 4’ + buff,  

John Morley Double Manual Harpsichord Walnut (after Kirkmann) c1958

John Morley double manual harpsichord after Kirkmann, 2 x 8', 1 x 4' with lute and buff in walnut. Compass : 5 octaves F - F. No.116 c1958.  

John Morley Harpsichord, Double Manual Walnut (after Hass) c1971

John Morley double manual harpsichord after Heironymus Albretch Hass 1734 with additional extended soundboard for 16', compass 5 octaves F to G, Flemish keyboard coupler. 16' + 2 x 8' + 4', 8' lute and buff 16' + 8' lower, in walnut case, No.2075 c1971 secondhand. Tuned to A=415Hz Baroque.

John Morley Single Manual Harpsichord after Culliford Mahogany c2005

John Morley English single manual harpsichord after Culliford in mahogany with burr facia on a trestle stand with traditional brass strap hinges, hooks & handstops, wooden jacks and delrin plectra. 2 x 8', 1 x 4' + buff. 5 octave F to F. No.3166 c2005.  

John Morley Single Manual Franco-Flemish Harpsichord Walnut c2015

John Morley Single Manual Harpsichord Franco-Flemish in American Walnut on turned and fluted legs with traditional brass hinges, hooks & handstops, wooden jacks and delrin plectra. 2 x 8' + harp/buff on main 8'. 5 octave F to F. No.3165 c2015   
