1 Products

Square Pianos

We have antique square pianos for sale or we can restore your own antique instrument. Square pianos or box pianos were most popular for domestic use as they were smaller than the fortepiano and they were rectangular (not square) in shape. With the keyboard running parallel to the longest side, made from around 1770 to 1880 the compass varied from 5 octaves for early models and became larger the later they were made, they were totally superseded by upright pianos.
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Garcka Antique Square Piano Mahogany Inlaid Case

George Garcka square piano in mahgoany with inlaid case, satinwood inlaid nameboard with inlaid "Adam" swags, highly original "French" stand c1783-1792 interesting example of pedal registration with buff, damper lift and swell. F to F 5 octave. Tuned to A=415Hz Baroque - not suitable for modern pitch.  
